President’s Welcome

Dr. Patrick Tompkins
Dr. Patrick Tompkins

Welcome to 在线赌博推荐 – Concord’s Community College!


  • Great Instructors, Small Classes: 在线赌博推荐的教师都是各自领域的专家和专家教育家. 在线赌博推荐的小班授课,你会得到你需要茁壮成长的个人教育.
  • Flexible Schedules: You can take day, evening, or online classes.
  • Fast Completion: 你没有时间浪费去接受能让你更上一层楼的教育. 在线赌博推荐有劳动力证书和在线赌博推荐课程,可以在一天内完成, a few weeks, a semester, or a year or two—grow at your pace.
  • Love: Our motivating value is love—love for you, love for our majors, love for our college, and love for our community.


  • Quality: 由于在线赌博推荐优秀的课程,在线赌博推荐的毕业生被雇主雇用. Support services like advising, tutoring, 残疾服务意味着你不必一个人做所有的事情. Take a look at our Educated Person Statement of Philosophy to see how we prepare learners not just to be workers, but also citizens, family members, and life-long learners in a democratic society.
  • Signature Programs: Dental Hygiene, Paralegal, Radiation Therapy, Sports Management, 和正念只是在线赌博推荐的一些独特项目, along with more common programs like Business, Liberal Arts, and Nursing. 在线赌博推荐的业务培训中心提供定制培训, professional development, and badge and microcredential programs.
  • A Real College Campus: 享受在线赌博推荐美丽的250英亩校园沿着梅里马克河和学生宿舍, wellness center, gym, auditoriums, dining hall, and bistro.
  • Student Life: 您可以在包括棒球在内的13项男女运动中为在线赌博推荐的山猫队加油, volleyball, basketball, and even esports. 在在线赌博推荐的学生会结交朋友并建立你的简历, The Eye literary magazine, and clubs for Veterans, PTK Honor Society, Cultural Exchange, Christian Student Organization, LGBTQ+ Alliance, Drama, and Music. 这些团体几乎每周都会举办多种活动.

There’s something for all of us to love at 在线赌博推荐. 请告诉在线赌博推荐如何将你的梦想与你的未来联系起来.

如果你想联系我,请到小大厅100号,发邮件 [email protected], or call 603-271-6484 X4167.

在线赌博推荐是新罕布什尔州社区学院系统(CCSNH)的成员,自1969年以来一直获得新英格兰高等教育委员会的认可, a nongovernmental, nationally recognized accrediting agency. 

College Administration

Dr. Patrick Tompkins

Dr. Patrick Tompkins, President

Dr. Rebecca Dean, Ed.D., Vice President for Student Success 

Dr. Hector Iweka, Ph.D., Vice President for Academics and Workforce Education

Marsha Bourdon, Business Operations Officer

Kirsty Hart

Kirsty Hart, Director of Human Resources

Elizabeth Lawton, Executive Assistant to the President

承认学生不仅是劳动者,也是公民, family members, consumers, and life-long learners in a democratic society, 在线赌博推荐 -康科德社区学院整合在线赌博推荐, technical, experiential, and work-based learning. 这些课程以通识教育为核心,为毕业生提供成功参与社区活动所需的知识和技能, the workplace, 以及他们所有的生活角色,教育和职业努力. 因此,在线赌博推荐致力于将毕业生培养成:

  • 对人类文化、物质和自然世界有丰富的知识. 毕业生评估历史趋势和事件对机构和社会系统的影响,并通过人文学科传达对不同思想和表达方式的尊重和理解.
  • Thinkers, problem solvers, and innovators. 毕业生合理、一致地评估和应用信息,以指导决策. They apply critical and creative thinking skills to the analysis of problems; demonstrate scientific thought, both quantitatively and qualitatively, by evaluating human and technical problems; generate ideas by consolidating knowledge; and reflect critically on their learning.
  • Collaborators. Graduates demonstrate cultural competence, work effectively in teams, and can negotiate and manage conflict; they demonstrate constructive engagement with diverse populations and viewpoints; and they exhibit empathy in their work with others and demonstrate the ability to motivate and/or follow others.
  • Communicators. Graduates are active listeners and respond constructively; they read, write, speak, listen, 呈现在一个有利于与他人交流的水平上.
  • Principled and ethical citizens. Graduates make reasoned, ethical decisions and learn from mistakes; they demonstrate the values of integrity, responsibility, perseverance, and tolerance of ambiguity.
  • Career-ready professionals. Graduates organize and prioritize their work; they translate acquired knowledge and skills to real-world applications, 能熟练运用技术和数学/数值运算, 积极制定策略,在时间管理方面不断改进, documentation, self-evaluation, self-determination, and personal and professional growth. These outcomes are given in numerical reference for improved tracking; numerical values do not establish hierarchal emphasis. Each outcome is of equal importance.

Diversity is a core value at 在线赌博推荐. 在线赌博推荐对多样性的承诺丰富了每个人,让在线赌博推荐接触到一系列理解和参与世界的方式, develop respect, identify challenges, and to discover, define and deliver solutions. 在线赌博推荐积极致力于消除由系统性歧视造成的障碍. Diversity includes race, ethnicity, culture, religion, language, socioeconomic status, citizenship, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, and disability.



在线赌博推荐创造关怀文化,促进创新的教学和学习, supports economic mobility, 通过发展和加强与企业和教育的伙伴关系,满足多元化社区的需求.


We serve students, businesses, 通过建立通往可持续职业的在线赌博推荐卓越途径来促进社会发展, community engagement, and social responsibility.



在线赌博推荐培养求知欲和应用知识,促进批判性, creative thinking.

Mutual respect

We cultivate an environment in which acceptance, kindness, 而同僚合作创造了有价值的思想交流,培养了多样性, equity, and inclusion.


We collaborate with each other, businesses, and community organizations to develop principled, ethical citizens.


在线赌博推荐承诺个人和机构在管理在线赌博推荐的人的责任, intellectual, physical,
and fiscal resources.




We uphold fairness, honesty, and ethical behavior.

CCSNH在招生和教育项目的管理上没有歧视, activities, or employment practices on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, ancestry or national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, physical or mental disability, genetic information, or law enforcement, military, veteran, or marital status. 该声明反映了CCSNH的使命,并参考了, but is not limited to, the provisions of the following laws:

  • Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,
  • The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
  • Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972
  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
  • The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)
  • Section 402 of the Vietnam Era Veteran’s
    Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974
  • NH Law Against Discrimination (RSA 354-A)
  • NH Law RSA 188-F:3-a
  • Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008

Inquiries regarding discrimination may be directed to:

Sara A. Sawyer
Director of Human Resources, CCSNH
26 College Drive
Concord, NH  03301

Inquiries may also be directed to:

The NH Commission for Human Rights
2 Industrial Park Drive
Concord, NH  03301
603-271-2767, fax: 603-271-6339

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
JFK Federal Building
475 Government Center
Boston, MA  02203
617-565-3200, 1-800-669-4000, fax: 617-565-3196
TTY: 617-565-3204 or 1-800-669-6820

CCSNH Leadership

在线赌博推荐是新罕布什尔州社区学院系统(CCSNH)的成员。. 如果您对在线赌博推荐的参与有任何疑问,以下是联系人列表: